Free file sharing password protection

It may be the case that someone tries to delete locked folders, but you can choose a software from the list that prevents unauthorized deletion. Private Folder is one of my favorite software to password protect folders and files both.

It lets you lock different folders with different or same password, and also provides time limit specific security feature. The Padlock is also a good choice because it lets you hide locked folders. It also prevents unauthorized deletion of locked folders and files. You may also visit best free delete empty folders and free folder sync software for Windows. Private Folder is a freeware that lets you lock folders in Windows. It lets you add multiple folders individually, and set different passwords for them.

To ensure safety and privacy of your folders, you can also add a master password to prevent unauthorized person to access or change settings of this software. It also lets you define a time span after which, if no activity is detected, the folder will be again locked.

It lets you open a locked folder without unlocking it from its source location. To do so, you get 20 seconds to enter the correct password and then, folder will be available to you in the software. Now, the selected folder will be unlocked and available for everyone. The Padlock is an excellent alternative to folder locking software for Windows as, it lets you protect both, folders and files. Firstly, you need to create password to protect folders or files with.

Now, you can add items to protect them by using drag and drop method. Also, you can configure this software to hide protected items from their source location. It is one of the best software in this list as it provides privacy to multiple folders, and also protect them from unauthorized deletion.

Wise Folder Hider is a free software to password protect folders for PC. It is a handy tool to protect folders of Windows PC from unauthorized access. This software can also help to password protect a file or USB drive. After entering valid password for hidden and locked file, you can restore them to their source location. You need to set a password to login in this software and access its folder protection services. It provides double layered password protection.

First of all, you need to enter the login password to access the list of all hidden elements. Thus, it is a secure tool to protect your important data. This software uses various encryption algorithms and lets you set password to hide files and folders. Apart from that, you can create Lockers i.

It lets you protect these Lockers using password or pattern lock. You can apply different compression levels for these lockers, that are low, medium, and high. It has an inbuilt Anti- Hacking Protection system using which you can set number of attempts to enter correct password.

If someone enters password exceeding the specified limit, then the locker will be self-destructed. You can choose files and folders to hide them by using option Hide Files and Folders available in Data Concealing menu. It lets you browse desired files and folders and after that, you can set encryption algorithm and password for them. It lets you create a container folder to save files in and protect them. To unlock secured files and folders, you can simply enter password and restore files and folders to their respective source locations from Containers.

My Lockbox Free is another software to password protect a folder for Windows. If you wish to lock more than one folder, it will automatically unlock previous folder to lock the new one.

Thus, it only lets you lock one folder at a time. It lets you set password and also password hint to remind you about password. You can use its free version for personal use only. Easy File Locker is also a good alternative for a folder locker software. Using it, you can prohibit unauthorized access to your important files and folders. It provides you many modes to protect folders. You can later change these settings as per your requirement.

Now, files and folders will be available to everyone on their source location. Folder Vault is another good software to lock folder with password. You can use this freeware to lock files and folders of your PC in order to make them unavailable for unauthorized users. To do so, it lets you set a strong password to launch the software. The locked folders are protected in the software itself. It uses single password to lock all your files and folders, which is used to launch the software.

You can also change this password. Alfa Folder Locker is yet another free software to lock folder with password. It lets you browse for desired folder and after that, you can add only a single folder at once to password protect it. It lets you browse single folder at a time, but you can lock as many folders as you want individually.

Locking a folder in this free software is a piece of cake. Now, you can set a password to protect the selected folder, and later recover it. It will need the same password to make the folder available for all other users. BuduLock is also an alternative software to lock folder. It also lets you lock folders sequentially.

Thus, you can set different password to protect different folders. To lock a folder, first of all you need to select the drive from the list of drives. At last, you can set the password to lock it. To unlock a folder, you just need to choose Unlock option in place of Lock and remaining procedure is same as locking process.

SecretFolder is one of the best free software to lock folders with password. One of the interesting features of this software is that, it lets you add multiple folders in a single go to password protect them. As you open it, you can set a password to lock folders using it. After that, using Add option, you can add multiple folders by browsing them one by one. When you add folders to this software, they are hidden from others and you can access them whenever you need, by unlocking them.

Thus, it is an easy to use folder protection software. BlackBox Folder Locker is a very easy to use folder lock software for Windows. It lets you register yourself as a user and set password to protect files as well as folders. PenyuLocker is a free folder locker for PC. But, you can only add a single folder at a time. It displays list of drives of the PC and lets you browse desired folders to lock them. To select desired folder, you need to double click on them.

Folder Lock is also a good choice as a folder locker software, having a simple interface. It lets you lock multiple folders in a single run. To initialize this software to lock folders, first of all you need to create a strong password using alphanumeric characters. After that, you can select the drive and choose the folder to lock it.

Now, the selected folder will be locked with the preset password. To open or make locked folder public, you need to re-open this software by entering the correct password and selecting the folder to unlock. Folder Locker Pro is one of the simplest folder locker software for Windows.

We are living in an alienated, yet digitally connected world, where we are gradually being absorbed by the fast pace of innovation. We have arrived to the point of crossing the chasm between acting mechanically and rationally , this means that we send images, music and files to our peers, without consciously being there. Most of the time nothing happens, but one day we wake up and we suddenly discover that a third-party has accessed our private documents.

We are at a point where an addictive habit, the one of quickly sending common files digitally, has contaminated our rationality and awareness to share sensible documents. If you ever asked yourself these questions you are in the right place! The solution is explained in the following 9 steps:. There is a really amazing solution for Windows users. You just need to follow this simple process:. You can even do a back-up through a USB flash drive in order to not lose control over the encrypted access!

If you are bothered by these not very flexible solutions to sharing password protected files, Cubbit Private Links are just what you are searching for. How does it work? For every file stored you get 3 layers of security :.

A network where nobody, not even the provider, can access your files! This guarantees you all the peace of mind you need. For each encrypted file, an encryption key is associated. One extra tip on that: we warmly suggest developing the habit of sending the key through a separate channel for example the Encryption Key on Telegram and the link through Email or vice versa. The goal here is to provide a simple tool to increase your security and to give you the awareness of safety.

Another way to protect your work from being readily downloaded is to disable downloads for a shared link. Your recipients will be able to preview the file on dropbox. Password protection is a great tool for controlling and securing the files and folders you share with others and helps prevent your confidential property from ending up in the wrong hands.

Another security feature we recommend to all Dropbox users is setting up two-step verification. When you enable two-step verification, Dropbox requires a second form of authentication like a six-digit code or security key in addition to your password when you sign in to your account or link a new computer, phone, or tablet. This makes it that much harder for anyone to access your account. Encrypting files ensures that if anyone were to try and intercept the files or take the disks they are stored on, the data will not be readable.

Password protection, on the other hand, is a feature that can be enabled when sharing files within the Dropbox service to add additional layer of sharing protection. Your data is always encrypted when uploaded to Dropbox and you have the option of password protecting your files when you share them.

Passwords help make sure that only the intended recipients of a file can access it. Adding expiration dates to password linked files further helps ensure that the link you send is only available for your intended recipients and only for the time period you determine. Password protection helps make sure that only the people you want to access your Word files through Dropbox can access them.

Before anyone can view or download the Word document, they will need to have the password that you protected the document with. You can add a password to a shared PDF link by signing in to dropbox. Only people with the password you choose will be able to view or download the PDF you send. Currently, Dropbox Professional and Business customers can password protect files with a shared link on dropbox. Be sure to compare our plans to find the right Dropbox plan for you.

Control who can access your files and what rights they have. Send large files of any type to anybody, worry-free. Easily collaborate, edit, and share content with team members. Manage file permissions for increased security. Why Dropbox?


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