Freesat dish installation cost
For those who have already read my blog on how much a TV aerial installation cost , I apologise for any duplicate content but I wanted this to be a standalone article in its own right and not just an add on to an existing post.
Beneath I have identified all the points which could affect the cost of your satellite dish installation quote, so you can get a better idea as to the value in your quote or estimate.
At the end of the blog, as we are an open and honest satellite dish installation company and believe in absolute transparency. In a Smart Aerials standard satellite dish installation, this includes and is limited to the following.
The customer I used to work for example before setting up Smart Aerials used to say the installation should take no more than one hour otherwise it would cost more. This blog primarily focuses on UK satellite dish as is included within our standard installation package. The links to these posts are below.
French satellite TV in the UK. Italian satellite in the UK. Polish satellite in the UK. Often because of nearby buildings and trees, or maybe because you just want it there instead of on your wall.
A satellite dish may have to be installed onto a chimney stack. If done properly this should cost a bit more than a standard aerial installation. This is because the installation will naturally take longer and may require a special heights team but also because the fixings techniques are different to installing a satellite dish on a wall. To correctly install a satellite dish onto a chimney this should be done with a chimney lashing kit, this involves a wire of strap installed around the chimney itself which is then tightened, the tension of the wire will then secure the bracket in place without having to damage the chimney at all.
As chimneys are only usually single skin structures often in poor condition you should never use drill fixings on a chimney, especially with TV aerials. This is like rule number 1 of the aerial installer hand book as with wind loading you are likely to and I have seen several times the bricks ripped clean from the chimney.
A non-standard satellite dish installation is anything that would not qualify for a standard installation. Some of the following reasons why this may be are:.
There are some more examples, but from the ones I have identified above. You can see that in each example more labour or more parts than were otherwise included would be required which will affect your satellite dish installation price. You can also see that the scope of the work could change drastically.
So that if you require a cherry picker to install to install a satellite dish at 7 stories would cost dramatically more than a dish installed at 3 stories which could potentially be done safely off a ladder. Also a cable that needs to be 5 metres longer than is included in a standard satellite dish installation will be considerably less than a cable which needs to be 80m.
The LNB you require will change the cost of your satellite dish installation estimate or quote. There are many to choose from and if you are not aware of what an LNB is. It is the part at the end of the satellite dish where the cables enter. So if you wanted to have satellite TV receivers in two rooms you would need at least a dual or twin LNB and two cables connecting your satellite receivers to your LNB. This means for the box to work properly you would could not use a single LNB. I have written a whole other blog on how many cables can you connect to a satellite dish.
Another anomaly to see would be the new Sky Q LNB and all of its variants, like the hybrid models which allow Sky Q and non-Sky Q boxes to both connected to the same satellite dish.
All of these cost more and would affect the cost of your quote. Our standard installation package includes a Sky style mini-dish which is fine for Sky and Freesat reception in the England and the south of the UK and depending on the age is around a 45cm satellite dish. Most properties will be fine with a standard size satellite dish which is around 45cm. However, if you opt to choose a larger satellite dish due to the advantages they can provide, such as providing better signal, then you should be prepared to pay more.
This is due to the extra materials used in the actual dish and the amount of labour required to instal a larger dish, rather than the standard size. Satellite dishes will be installed with a cable to connect the dish to your box. The usual length of cable given in a quote is around 18 metres.
If for whatever reason, the satellite dish requires more elevation, the amount of cable that would be needed for installation would increase. In this scenario, the company or tradesperson is likely to charge per metre, but do make sure to find out any specific extra cable length cost from the companies you are receiving quotes from. How easy your property is to access will also play a role in determining the final cost of the project. If your property is quite difficult to get to, then you should anticipate a rise in the final price for the installers to cover their costs of getting to your home.
Parking fees and toll fees are likely to also fall under the responsibility of the homeowner, so do anticipate the cost for this as necessary. You should also anticipate the potential need for longer cables, and thus bigger charges, if you live in the Northern regions of the UK, as weaker signal may require more elevation of the satellites. You can potentially cut your costs by choosing a mini satellite dish instead of a standard size, to save you some money on the supply and labour costs.
We encourage people to aim to receive between three and four quotes from different companies and tradespeople when it comes to home development jobs. Use HouseholdQuotes to source quotes from reputable companies and tradespeople to help you find the best installer for a satellite dish and Freesat! Book now with Paul Davies. Skip to content. WhatsApp How do you get Freesat? Our Freesat Service to you; Local same day service Local friendly engineers Freesat dish supply and install Freesat dish repairs and servicing You only pay for the work we do!
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