Axis and allies 1940 second edition rules

Until then, they stay at the space where they fought. If you have captured the territory, place your control marker on the territory and adjust the national production levels. If you capture a major industrial complex, it is immediately downgraded to a minor one. Any damage previously inflicted on a facility remains in place until it is repaired any damage markers beyond 6 on former major industrial complexes are removed. A major industrial complex that was downgraded to a minor upon capture is not automatically upgraded upon liberation—it remains minor until the original owner upgrades it.

If a power captures a territory containing an enemy capital Calcutta, Tokyo, Sydney, or Western United States , follow the same rules as for capturing a territory. In addition, you collect all unspent IPCs from the treasury of the original controller of the captured capital.

You collect these IPCs even if your own capital is in enemy hands. If that power or one on its side liberates the capital, the original controller can once again collect income from territories he or she controls, including territories reverting control to him or her.

Japan wins the game by capturing and controlling 6 victory cities. If the Japan player controls at least 6 victory cities continuously for one complete round of play, that player wins the war, provided that he or she also controls Tokyo at the end of the round.

You will also land all your air units that participated in and survived the Conduct Combat phase. This is a good time to gather your units, either to fortify vulnerable territories or to reinforce units at the front.

Your land and sea units can move a number of spaces up to their move values. Your air units can move a number of spaces up to their move values, less the number of spaces they might have moved during the Combat Move phase. Air units that did not move at all during the Combat Move phase may use their entire movement allowance in this phase.

Only air units and submarines can move through hostile spaces during this phase. Stranded defending air units also land during this phase. These units are allowed movement of up to one space to find a friendly territory or carrier on which to land. If no landing space can be found, they are lost.

This movement occurs before the acting player makes any noncombat movements. Land Units: A land unit can move into any friendly or friendly neutral territory, including territories that were captured in the current turn. Air Units: An air unit must end its move in an eligible landing space. Air units can land in any territory that was friendly but not friendly neutral at the start of the current turn.

Only fighters and tactical bombers can land in a sea zone with a friendly carrier present. A landing spot must be available on the carrier. This includes stranded defending air units see above. No air units can land in any territory that was not friendly at the start of your turn, including any territory that was just captured or converted from a friendly neutral by you this turn.

Sea Units: A sea unit can move through any friendly sea zone. Unlike other sea units, submarines can move through and even into hostile sea zones in the Noncombat Move phase. However, a submarine must end its movement when it enters a sea zone containing one or more enemy destroyers. Transports can move to friendly coastal territories and load or offload cargo, unless they loaded, moved, offloaded, or were involved in combat during the Combat Move or Conduct Combat phase.

Aircraft carriers can move to sea zones to allow friendly fighters and tactical bombers to land. An aircraft carrier and a fighter or tactical bomber must both end their moves in the same sea zone in order for the air unit to land on the carrier.

Move the newly purchased units from the mobilization zone on the game board to eligible spaces you have controlled since the start of your turn. You can never use an industrial complex owned by a friendly power. The number of combat land, air, or sea units that can be produced by each industrial complex each turn is limited to 10 for major industrial complexes and 3 for minor ones. If you are upgrading a minor industrial complex to a major one, you may still only mobilize up to 3 combat units from that industrial complex this turn.

For each damage marker plastic gray chip that is under a given industrial complex, one fewer unit can be mobilized from it. Industrial complexes are never destroyed except in liberated Chinese territories. They can be heavily damaged, however, and can be damaged to the point where they have at least as many damage markers as they have production ability.

You can place land units and strategic bombers only in territories containing eligible industrial complexes. You can place sea units only in sea zones adjacent to territories containing eligible industrial complexes.

New sea units can enter play even in a hostile sea zone. No combat occurs because the Conduct Combat phase is over. You can place fighters and tactical bombers into territories containing an industrial complex controlled by your power from the start of your turn, or on an aircraft carrier owned by your power in a sea zone even a hostile one adjacent to a territory with such an industrial complex.

The aircraft carrier can be either a new one currently being mobilized, or an existing one already in place. Place new facilities in any eligible territory that you have controlled since the start of your turn. Unlike combat units, facilities do not require that an industrial complex be in the territory in which they are mobilized, and they do not count against the number of units that an industrial complex may mobilize see above if there is one there.

Major industrial complexes can only be built on originally controlled not captured territories with an IPC value of 3 or higher. Minor industrial complexes can be built only in territories with an IPC value of 2 or higher. In the event that you purchased more units than you can actually mobilize due to production limitations, you must return the over-produced units to the box your choice on which units , and the cost of the units is reimbursed to you. In this phase, you earn production income to finance future attacks and strategies.

This is the amount of IPC income you have generated. In addition, you might have reached your national objectives. A power reaching its national objectives is experiencing an uplifting positive effect across the board—higher morale coupled with renewed vigor. Once your income, bonus income, and losses from convoy disruptions have been determined, the number of IPCs that your power will actually collect this turn is calculated by adding your income and bonus income, then subtracting any convoy disruption losses from that total.

The economy of many nations is based on moving tons of resources across vast spans of ocean. In wartime, and especially during World War II, this movement was vital. These convoys are subject to attack by enemy warships. Each enemy warship except for aircraft carriers and carrier based air unit in the sea zone might cause the loss of 1 or more IPCs from your income for the turn.

However, this number might be limited. Also, no single territory can lose more IPCs than its own IPC value from multiple disrupted adjacent convoys for example, Japan cannot lose more than 8 IPCs from disrupted convoys in sea zones 6 and After these limits are applied, the final total is subtracted from your income for the turn. A review of the map, specifically looking for such situations, is the responsibility of all the players.

This is a step in this phase of the turn. All players should be on the lookout for such convoy attack situations and point them out. The United Kingdom is one power that has two separate economies: Europe and Pacific. The income levels and IPC treasuries for the two economies are tracked separately. The Europe economy includes all of the territories controlled by United Kingdom on the Europe map. London is its regional capital. The Pacific economy includes all of the territories controlled by United Kingdom on the Pacific map.

Calcutta is its regional capital. There are two exceptions to this regional division. West India, on the Europe map, is part of the Pacific economy, and the North American territories on the Pacific map are part of the Europe economy. Either economy can pay all or part of the cost of conducting Research and Development. The results apply to the power as a whole. United Kingdom mobilizes its new units purchased by each economy at industrial complexes that fall under that economy.

This includes any income deducted forconvoy disruptions or awarded for national objective income. If one of the regional capitals is captured by the Axis, it will surrender any unspent IPCs that its economy has in its treasury to the capturing power. The free regional capital may never collect IPCs that would normally go to the captured regional capital, even if such territories are recaptured from the Axis. Other Allied powers can temporarily take control of any original United Kingdom territory that would otherwise be liberated when its regional capital London or Calcutta has been captured by the Axis.

Germany, Japan, and Italy make up the Axis. The United States and the Soviet Union are neutral. During this period, many other countries tried to remain neutral as well. As the war became global, many neutrals were forced to join one side or the other. With the bulk of its army and air force in Belgium, Germany finds itself in no position to attack the Soviet Union, at least for the moment.

Germany may declare war on the United States, the Soviet Union, or China at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of any of its turns. Extra space was needed for the growth of the German population for a greater Germany.

To reflect this objective, Germany collects bonus IPC income during each of its Collect Income phases in the following situations. Theme: Beneficial trade with the Soviet Union.

Combine this with its recent military disaster in Finland, and we find the Soviet Union more than happy to enter into a secret agreement with Germany. This secret agreement, known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, assures that the Soviet Union will remain neutral should Germany go to war in Europe.

It also permits each power to expand its sphere of influence in Eastern Europe without interference from the other. In the East, the Soviet Union, along with Mongolia, has recently concluded a border war with Japan see below , which ended in a cease-fire agreement. Political Situation: The Soviet Union begins the game at war with no one. The Soviet Union may not declare war on any European Axis power before turn 4 unless first declared war upon by a European Axis power or London is captured by an Axis power.

It may declare war on Japan at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of any of its turns. Due to its separate treaties with Germany and Japan, the Soviet Union is in a unique position in its relationship with the Axis powers.

To reflect this objective, the Soviet Union collects bonus IPC income during each of its Collect Income phases in the following situations. Political Situation: At the beginning of the game, Japan is at war only with China. Japan considers movement of units into China by any other Allied power as an act of war against it. A state of war between Japan and France or between Japan and the Soviet Union will not affect relations between Japan and the United States, and vice versa.

To reflect this objective, Japan collects bonus IPC income during each of its Collect Income phases in the following situations:. Theme: Strategic resource trade with the United States.

The United States, wanting to remain neutral, nonetheless has strong pro-Allies sentiments. With its military standing ranked no higher than 12th or 14th in the world, and with a serious isolationist mood in the country, only with the outrage felt by its people by a sudden and deliberate attack by an Axis power will the United States end its neutrality and go to war.

However, the growing danger presented by the strengthening of the Axis powers may soon force it to reconsider this position. Political Situation: The United States begins the game at war with no one. While not at war with Germany or Italy, the United States may end the movement of its sea units on the Europe map only in sea zones that are adjacent to U.

The United States may not declare war on any Axis power unless an Axis power either declares war on it first or captures London or any territory in North America, or Japan makes an unprovoked declaration of war against the UK or ANZAC, after which it may declare war on any or all Axis powers on its following turn.

This is an exception to the rules for declaring war, which may normally be done only at the beginning of the Combat Move phase. To reflect this objective, the United States collects bonus IPC income during each of its Collect Income phases in the following situations:. Japan wants to isolate China from all external aid. Political Situation: China begins the game at war with Japan.

To reflect this objective, China collects bonus IPC income during each of its Collect Income phases in the following situation. Allied powers must control India, Burma, Yunnan, and Szechwan for this to occur. China is also permitted to purchase artillery represented by U. Theme: Chinese military supply line corridor.

The United Kingdom has barely completed the evacuation of its own as well as Allied forces from Dunkirk. An invasion of the United Kingdom looms as a real possibility. The Battle of Britain is about to commence. It may, however, move units into Dutch territories as a noncombat movement at any time, as long as those territories have not been captured by an Axis power.

It may actually take control of Dutch territories gaining their IPC income by moving land units into them. Additionally, the United Kingdom considers attacks against any Dutch territories to be acts of war against it directly.

Once a Dutch territory has been captured by an Axis power, however, it may be captured and controlled by any power. Theme: Maintenance of the empire considered vital national objective. Theme: Maintenance of the empire considered vitalnational objective. A state of war between Italy and one of these three powers will not affect its relations with the other two.

Mussolini wanted to reestablish the greatness of the Roman Empire. This could best be demonstrated by controlling the entire Mediterranean basin. To reflect this objective, Italy collects bonus IPC income during each of its Collect Income phases in the following situations. France finds itself fighting for its very existence, and if history repeats itself, it will fall to a successful German invasion.

Political Situation: France is at war with Germany and Italy. France may declare war on Japan at the beginning of the Combat Move phase of any of its turns. France will be managed as a separately controlled power, including the French IPC economy.

This happens only once per game. Theme: National liberation and national prestige. In , many countries, including the United States, tried to remain neutral. As the war became truly global, many neutrals were forced to join one side or the other. The only neutral territories in the game are those that make up Mongolia. All but two of them have their own standing army.

These forces are shown on the map in the form of an infantry silhouette with a number next to it. These units are placed free of charge. An important concept to understand is the difference between a neutral territory and a neutral power. While one of these powers the United States begins the game neutral, neutral territories begin the game not being controlled by any power. Unlike powers, war is never declared on neutral territories—they are simply attacked.

Also, its standing army units are immediately placed in it. Friendly Neutrals: The first attack by either side on a neutral territory whether successful or not results in all remaining neutral territories immediately becoming friendly to the other side. For example, if Japan attacks Buyant-Uhaa, all of the other neutral territories on the map would become friendly to the Allies.

These territories are still neutral, but they can now be converted to the side that they are friendly to. Powers on the side to which the neutral territories are not friendly continue to treat the territories as neutral. A power may not attack a friendly neutral nor fly air units over it. This moves the territory out of its neutral status. The first friendly power to do so places its national control marker on the former friendly neutral territory. Once any formerly neutral territory becomes controlled by a power, the rules regarding neutral territories no longer apply to it.

China and its units are controlled by one of the Allied players, but for game purposes it is considered a separate power and its resources cannot be mixed with those of other Allied powers.

Chinese territories on the game board have a Nationalist Chinese emblem on them. Some of these territories begin the game already under Japanese control.

They still are considered Chinese territories for purposes of original ownership. Unlike the other powers in the game, China is not an industrialized nation and has a rural economy and decentralized government. As a result, China does not have a capital like other powers do.

If all Chinese territories are captured by Japan, China retains its unspent IPCs in hope of liberation and does not give them to Japan. In addition, China may spend IPCs only to purchase infantry units with one exception, see below and does not use industrial complexes. New Chinese units can be mobilized on any Chinese territory that is controlled by China, including those captured in the current turn. If a Japanese industrial complex is built on a Chinese territory and that territory is later recaptured by the Chinese or liberated by another Allied power, the industrial complex is removed from the game.

While being invaded by Japan, China is also fighting a civil war. They can be moved only into territories that have a Nationalist Chinese emblem. However, Kwangtung and Burma are special cases. Although they are not Chinese territories, Chinese forces can move into them. These are the only non-Chinese territories that Chinese units can occupy. China can even temporarily control them, but only if it recaptures them from the Axis while India is under Axis control.

Chinese units cannot be loaded onto transports. The Burma Road is vital to the Chinese war effort see map. These artillery units will be supplied by the United States player because China does not have any of its own , but are considered to be Chinese units in all respects.

At the beginning of the game, China has a United States fighter unit located on the map. This represents the American volunteer group the Flying Tigers.

This fighter is considered part of the Chinese forces for purposes of movement and combat. It cannot leave the territories that Chinese occupation is restricted to, even to attack and return. If it is destroyed, the US player cannot replace this fighter unit for China. They are upgraded to major complexes at no cost when the United States enters a state of war and may be used as such immediately. They may be upgraded prior to that time in the normal way.

These territories have Soviet control markers placed on them, and their standing army units are placed on the board using Soviet pieces and are controlled by the Soviet Union player from then on. This occurs regardless of the state of relations between the Soviet Union and Japan at the time of the attack, with one exception: If the Soviet Union attacks Korea or any Japan-controlled territory bordering these Mongolian territories while Mongolia is still a strict neutral, Mongolia will remain neutral and not ally itself with the Soviet Union.

In all other respects and for all other purposes, the Mongolian territories are treated as any other strict neutral territory. For example, if a Mongolian territory is attacked by Japan while still a strict neutral, all of the other strict neutral territories will become pro-Allies.

Using this rule, you may attempt to develop improved military technology. Buy research dice 2. Roll research dice 3. Roll breakthrough die 4.

Mark developments. Buy as many as you wish, including none. Step 2: Roll Research Dice Roll each of your purchased research dice. Victory Conditions To win with the following victory conditions, a side must maintain it for a complete round of play and must also control at least one of its own capital cities.

Allied Victory: Berlin and Rome and Japan are under allied control and allies maintain control of one of their own capitals. Any countries not at war with each other ignore each other's naval units and obviously cannot go into each others ground territories. When a country moves into a regular or non-friendly neutral during the combat move, it must conduct combat with the number of infantry specified on the map for that neutral.

If it loses or retreats, however many infantry that remain are how many that stay in the zone. Use edit mode if you want something other than 4 infantry by deleting the infantry and replacing them with what you really want.

These attacks can only be done in sea zones that contain the Kamikaze symbol [the sea zones surrounding: Japan, Okinawa, Iwo Jima, Formosa, and the Marianas].

At the end of Japan's enemy's combat-move phase, Japan may target any surface warship in a Kamikaze zone for one or more Kamikaze attacks, ONLY if the enemy is attacking Japanese units there or is conducting an Amphibious Assault from that sea zone.

For each attack, a die is rolled, and a 2 or less is considered a hit. Casualties are removed immediately, and do not participate in any battles. Kamikaze attacks prevent bombardment as well. Submarines Prevent Unescorted Transports From Making Amphibious Assaults In any Sea Zone containing an enemy submarine, but not containing an owned warship, the submarine will prevent the offloading of troops for an amphibious assault.

They cannot retreat from scrambling defenders can never retreat and if the territory they were scrambled from is captured, they're given one extra movement point to land on a friendly territory or open carrier. Scrambled air cannot participate in any other battles that round.

Strategic Bombing Runs SBR Bombing can now happen against both types of ICs, harbours, and airfields attackers choice [tactical bombers can not target factories though]. Fighters can participate in the bombing run as escorts. Fighters in the territory being bombed can be launched as interceptors no airfield necessary. If interceptors are launched: a one-round air battle takes place right away all air involved roll at 1 jets rolls at 2. Either attacking bombers or fighters can be taken as casualties.

Blockade Zones If any enemy ships are in a power's blockade zones at the end of that power's turn, and the power controls the adjacent ground territory, then the power may lose some of the PUs it would have otherwise collected. Surface warships roll 1 dice, Submarines and Air units roll 2 dice, and carriers and transports roll zero dice. For any roll of 3 or less, that amount of PUs will not be collected by the surrounding land territories.

The power in question cannot lose more PUs from a blockade zones then the worth of the adjacent ground territory to those zones. New Units Tactical Bombers: can land on carriers, can bomb, and if paired with a tank or fighter the Tac attacks at 4. Tactical Bombers can also strategic bomb Airfields and Harbours but not factories. Mechanized Infantry: can blitz when paired with a tank, and are supportable by artillery.

Carriers: now have 2 hitpoints, and when damaged they do not allow fighters to land, or to leave if cargo. Any damaged ships are repaired by a harbour at the start of the player's purchase and repair turn phase.

Lastly, harbours can be bombed, and if they have 3 or more damage then they do not provide the above bonuses. Airfields allow up to 3 planes on that island to scramble see Scramble section above. Airfields can be bombed, and if they have 3 or more damage then they do not provide the movement bonus.

Stopped Chinese from being affected by sea zone blockades. Prevented defensive subs from firing before attackers if an attacking destroyer is present. Various fixes for paratroopers airborne tech. Various other engine related fixes, and updated game notes with a complete list of rules not enforced. China can declare war on European Axis if they move into China's allowed movement range.

Added the scenario. Fixing rockets so that many rockets can target the same infrastructure per turn. Added in Objective tab text and conditions. Updating to Global 2nd Edition by adding Korea to the list of territories that Russia can not attack without permanently losing the ability for Manchuria to join Russia. Updating to Global 2nd Edition by removing Yukon Territory from map. Disallowed China to repair anything. Fixing issue with trying to Undo a UK europe placement, that previously generated a null pointer error.

For instance, if defender has 2 AAA guns and the attacker has 3 aircraft, the defender rolls three dice. Each roll of a 1 is a hit and the aircraft is removed immediately. The AAA unit may be taken as a casualty and it may not be captured.

Aside from the antiaircraft capability, it has no attack and no defense value. They may only move during the non-combat phase. Therefore, when transporting AAA units on naval transports, they may only be loaded and unloaded during the non-combat movement phase. The victory conditions for the Global game have changed slightly. Allied victory is roughly the same but the Axis can win with either 8 victory cities in Europe or 6 victory cities in the Pacific, as long as they control an Axis capital.


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