Baby luv games

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Please enter a valid email address. There was an error. Please try again later. Thank you for signing up for Time to Play! You chose things like hair and eye color, your baby's name and even the gender. Once you have created your baby you can begin taking care of it. There are five different activities that you need to take care of your baby: feed, wash, change diapers, play and sleep.

Everything is controlled by mouse movement and clicking. Feeding is accomplished by maneuvering the bottle or spoon in front of the babies mouth and clicking. You start with only milk available to feed your baby, but unlock more variety as the game progresses.

Playing with your baby is the most interactive feature of this game and is where all the minigames are. You can complete puzzles, play match two memory games and even repeat the pattern on the xylophone. To keep your baby happy you will need to keep up on all of the categories.

At the bottom of the screen are meters next to the associated need. When the meters get low then it is time to perform that task. If the meter gets all the way to the bottom then your baby will begin to cry inconsolably until you meet the needs of your baby.

The store allows you to buy clothes, food, toys and other miscellaneous goods for your baby. At first a minimal amount of items are available, but more and more items unlock as your baby grows and you complete more of the minigames.

Money for the upgrades is earned by performing tasks for your baby; the largest amount of money comes from playing with the baby. The graphics and sound are perfectly matched to this game. The environments are all 3D and very cartoony. There are different rooms in your house that you will go to to perform the various tasks necessary. As your baby begins to crawl and walk you will see even more of these areas.

There is background music that changes with the situation and your baby's mood. The baby also makes a lot of noise to let you know how it feels. This game is very limited by the audience it aims for.

While all young children could enjoy this game if they like people simulation games, it is definitely geared towards young girls. The ease of the gameplay won't challenge anyone over the age of maybe ten and even they won't find it that challenging. Another drawback to this game is its minimal amount of tasks.

With only five things to do, you will quickly find yourself bored with repetitive tasks. The graphics and gameplay make a great game for a very niche audience. While others might enjoy this game there are definitely better options on the market.


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