Black ops patch 12/14 xbox

Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email news gamespot. See More. Call of Duty: Vanguard. Call of Duty: Warzone. PlayStation 4. SG are aware and investigating. There is no official acknowledgment from the developers yet. Meanwhile, Warzone maintains multi-kill tracking problems and its free-access is not working. However, there is no ETA been provided as to when it will be back. Additionally, the team will share more details in the coming days.

To know more about the issue caused by Incendiary Granades, head here. This includes the Festive Deals discount not applying issue.

Head here to know more. Moreover, the game lags and freezes. One of the affected players, however, has a workaround. Also coming to light is the fact that a section of players is facing error codes Dev error and 1 , 2 , 3. Once again, there has not been any acknowledgement for these 2 dev errors, at least not on the official page.

For users facing error , there might be a workaround to try. Relaunch the game. Bro are all the cod servers down? Warzone down, CW down, and Vanguard wtf. Lizard Squad gotta be up to this Source.

Apart from social media, Downdetector also indicates a potential outage with Call of Duty. But, there are a couple of workarounds that reportedly help mitigate the issue.

Apparently, if you turn off Hz and texture streaming demand, the crashing stops. However, this means having to play with worse performance while an official fix arrives. Raven Software is aware and they decided to reduce the maximum player counter during matches to try to mitigate the issue while they resolve it. If you are experiencing the same issue, head here for some potential workarounds. Changes to help with the completion of Panzerfaust Challenges Dog face Black small square Perk adjustments to help counter all things fire Fire Black small square A weapon balancing pass Sniper buffs and Shotgun nerfs!

Black small square A tweak to Mortar Barrage to reduce duration Source. It includes an issue where console players are unable to invert mouselook. It also includes issues such as throwing knife bug , unable to switch voice chat , Vanguard Weapons missing pieces of their model with certain equipment attached, and game freezing when attempting to access a buy station. Moreover, it also makes adjustments to the Akimbo decreasing damage multiplier and move speed and increasing the Damage Range Multiplier and Hip Spread.

This way they will be ideal for blocking lines of sight in doors and lanes in small maps. This will slightly increase the time to kill. But more importantly, it will provide developers to emphasize the differences between Weapon classes. This issue makes the game randomly lag for a few seconds. O the bright side, Raven Software has acknowledged the issue where players are reporting that certain skins are appearing as invisible when encountered in-game and said that they are currently investigating it.

It looks like the issue surfaced after a recent update. Also, Sledgehammer Games announced on Twitter that they are aware of the issue where some players are still not seeing STG Challenges tracking after the latest update.

Moreover, a fix has been released and it can be fixed by restarting the game. Luckily, the devs are already investigating this issue. These include dog kills not tracking, party matchmaking, flame audio and High Alert perk issues. Recent reports suggest that the bug related to dog kills not tracking is resolved. But, this is not yet officially confirmed. Also, it is not known when the other bugs will be resolved.

It fixes the crashing issue on Xbox and also fixes several issues causing instability on both Xbox and PlayStation 5. Want to know more about us? Head here. Previous article. Next article. I'm a techy who is particularly fond of Android smartphones. A writer who usually finds himself on the other side of the spectrum. An artist who likes to sing and play the guitar. Also a photographer when in the mood. Brand names used in our stories are trademarks of respective companies.

New updates are being added at the bottom of this story……. Original story published on July 12, follows: The Call of Duty COD franchise has offered some of the finest first-person shooter games. Update 2 July 15 pm IST : The latest update for Warzone brings a boatload of fixes and improvements to the game including a fix for the Dev error issues and the Xbox One S crashing when loading into Verdansk Playlists.

Update 3 July 16 pm IST : Warzone players will be relieved to know that the Dead Silence is being nerfed thanks to the new changes added to the High Alert perk that will allow players to head footsteps even if the enemy has the Dead Silence perk. Source Apart from that, a new Cold War bug is reportedly resulting in users having to download over GB of data. We are aware Players are seeing long queue times for matches.

Update 10 July 27 IST pm: Several players have demanded that the game should remove the flashes and stuns when fighting in Gulag.

We hope Raven Software all these game-breaking bugs as soon as possible. Update 14 August 03 IST am: A section of call of duty players are reportedly facing a diver error code 6 bug that prevents them from accessing the game following a recent update. Source Raven Software has since come out to acknowledge this issue but still, reports continue to come in from affected users.

Update 15 August 06 IST am: Raven Software now says it has pushed out a fix to address the issue players of Call of Duty have been facing, being unable to see their online friends. Source Update 16 August 07 IST pm: Raven Software recently launched the Blueprint Blitz event that rewards players with blueprints if they complete a set of challenges. Update 17 August 13 IST pm: Raven Software, the makers of Call of Duty, have come out to notify users that the change to the High Alert Perk where players are able to hear footsteps of those using Dead Silence is not actually live yet.

The company also fails to provide any meaningful timelines to when this feature will be live. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Dennis 11 years ago 1. So everytime I try to go online it won't let me.

It says something like go to the xbbox status website thing. Is this happening to anyone else? Dennis Topic Creator 11 years ago 2. No idea, hasn't happened to me at all. More topics from this board Can't kill anyone. Very frustrating. General 14 Answers How do i keep my perks?


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